TITLE: After Gold MEDIUM: Mixed Media SIZE: 48" x 36" For many years, I yearned to find a soul mate. Someone I could share my life with: a family, a business, a journey, and a home. I finally took a mentor’s advice and made an extremely detained list of all of the things I wanted in this man. Each night as I lay in my bed - warm, safe, and alone, I would reach out my hand and imagine my hand inside his.
Oh, this notion still fills me with joy! I called this mystery man “Mr. Gold”. Then one day, when I least expected it, I found him in a yoga class. Of all the places! What happens “After Gold”? What visions do I fill my mind with to lull me into a content, happy place before I sleep? Only Mr. Gold knows. “After Gold” is a reminder that we are all creators, and that we have the power to manifest our dreams into physical reality. Comments are closed.
This blog was created to share my belief that the art-making process is a catalyst for transformation and personal empowerment. I am living proof.