Large-Scale Commission Painting
TITLE: This is Utah MEDIUM: Mixed Media SIZE: 40" x 60" Looking Back. Looking Forward. Now more than ever, the world needs your unique expression of beauty & your fearlessness.
In 2021, I taught 23 workshops spanning across 3 States & 2 Countries. This year, I'm pumping the breaks a bit - taking some time off to attend a soul rejuvenating yoga retreat in Mexico (just like I promised myself I would) & teaching only a handful of workshops close to home. If you've always wanted to experience/re-experience my in-person workshops, now is a good time. However, if you cannot attend, consider connecting with me for online instruction instead. I look forward to painting FearLESS with you in 2022! Large-Scale Commissions Painting
Mountain America Credit Union Corporate Office Sandy, UT Thanks to Susan Bonosconi, Alpine Art Gallery At the end of every year, I like to take some time to reflect on my experiences. What did I do? How did it feel? Is there anything I want to change or avoid? Is there anything I want to repeat? Is my life on the right track?
This blog was created to share my belief that the art-making process is a catalyst for transformation and personal empowerment. I am living proof.