“How was your workshop this weekend?” She asked in earnest. “Awesome!” I answered. “It felt so good to be teaching again. But at the same time, a part of me felt like a bit of an impostor.” “What do you mean?” She said with raised eyebrows. “At times I feel so inadequate. How can I stand in front of a class and teach fearlessness when I have so much fear?” Sensitive to both place and the environment, this collection of highly textured paintings were made using foraged materials including: red dirt, salt, sand, sawdust, repurposed paint, local newspapers, and coal. The beauty of decay imposed by the elements retorts to the brevity of our own lifespans in the grandeur of time.
Moments of beauty, courage, and connection. "Painting at the Park" was everything I imagined it would be. And so much more. It's been 4 months since I have orchestrated an in-person gathering of my Fearless Abstract Painters. We all agreed this felt like such a luxury! I did not fully realize how badly I personally needed this to happen. Our meeting felt like a drop of water in a parched, desert landscape. During these unparalleled, challenging times of systemic racism, political failure, and the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, we need many more moments like this: diverse, connected, heart-centred, and bold.
Is this a good time to host a painting workshop given the current world climate and particularly in the United States? Yes. I believe that if we truly want to change our world for the better, we must begin by raising our consciousness and changing ourselves. How do we do that? Painting a pretty picture is secondary to the change that happens within us when we confront our fears, embrace vulnerability, and step into our power.
My work is a celebration. Once, I identified myself as a victim. Broken, deficient, lacking. Today I am empowered, grateful, anew. Through my work, I attempt to illustrate the redemptive power of choice. Imagine the world we could create if we were to become the best versions of ourselves. Join me and become part of the movement. |
This blog was created to share my belief that the art-making process is a catalyst for transformation and personal empowerment. I am living proof.