Sold Out! 2-day Distressed Mixed Media
Workshop SLC Salt Lake City, UT Incorporating collage, newspapers & paint scrapers to create simulated marks of age & wear Thank you for teaching me to enjoy the process, and that there are no wrong answers, just different results. Most people get to experience just a glimpse of you - Like a comet or a shooting star. I get to experience you as much as I do. I’m sorry that I forget who you are, who I am, and what this is. It’s an honor and a privilege to co-create with you. Thank you for being my partner.
Your Life as a Work of Art New Works: All That Must Be, Coming Home, In The Sweetness Of You, It's Good To Hear From You & Room With A View
Press Feature!
"Living Fearlessly" by Danielle Vigueria Summer/Fall 2022 Park City Western Home Journal Magazine! The desert makes me feel small. I welcome this feeling.
To be dwarfed, from time to time, by the magnitude of our surroundings, helps calm the disrupting anxiety that what we do matters so much. Any notion of self-importance dissolves when I walk on the other-worldly shores of Antelope Island and the bleach-white vistas of the Bonneville Salt Flats. The desert landscape reminds me we are merely human: Soft, humble and temporary. I am at the whim of the same forces that laid out those canyons and chiseled those abrupt, life-giving mountains. Nature does not care whether I live or die. It is not inherently cruel or coddling. I both love and hate her for it. In the Utah desert, I enter the whole of nothingness. I feel both minuscule and held. We can't help it. We paint who you are. The canvas is your mirror.
"As Within, So Without.” For an artist, the process of self-inquiry is essential to the creative journey. The more intimately you know yourself, the better your art will be. I love asking questions! But even more than just asking, I love to answer them. Asking and answering questions can act like a powerful compass in finding your true north. |
This blog was created to share my belief that the art-making process is a catalyst for transformation and personal empowerment. I am living proof.