How is your relationship with your canvas affecting the work that you do/don't do? Your relationship with your canvas can take many different forms. The results can be as varied as your intentions. A canvas can be (to name just a few): ceremony DREAMCATCHER drill sergeant ENEMY escape EXORCISM friend JOURNAL lover MEDICINE WHEEL mirror PLAYPEN sacred ritual STATUS SYMBOL therapist VISION BOARD wall decor YOGA MAT For me, Yoga & Painting are inexorably intertwined. To put it simply, painting IS my yoga.
The word "Yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit root "Yuj", meaning unite. As per Yogic scriptures, the practice of yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, man & nature. What is the simple definition of Yoga/Painting? Yoga/Painting is a type of exercise in which you move your body into various positions in order to become more fit or flexible, to improve your breathing, and to relax your mind. What is the purpose of Yoga/Painting? The purpose of Yoga/Painting is to build strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body. The practice of Yoga/Painting leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, human & nature. Comments are closed.
This blog was created to share my belief that the art-making process is a catalyst for transformation and personal empowerment. I am living proof.