Organic Painting Residency Puebla, Mexico I thought I came to Puebla to get away from my art. Then I thought I came to Puebla to feel closer to my dad. Now I realize I came to Mexico to get closer to myself. The roles we play are inherently flawed. Surely, they provide a navigational system and this is incredibly valid, but the more we believe who we say we are - and who other people say we are, the opportunity to explore different parts of ourselves becomes limited.
I believe in the idea of “Pattern Interrupt”. Whether life does it for you, or you do it to yourself is besides the point. To immerse yourself in opportunities to make new connections is exactly how we grow and expand Into greater expressions of ourselves. 15 days into my residency and I am flooded with a sense of stillness, peace and extreme gratitude for all of the people that have made this experience possible, rich & rewarding for me. Including myself. I feel a greater measure of confidence in exploring my art in the context of performance and inspiring others to express themselves in ways that are intrinsically connected with their hearts. Now more than ever. Comments are closed.
This blog was created to share my belief that the art-making process is a catalyst for transformation and personal empowerment. I am living proof.