"Why Art": "They are sacred objects and we gaze at them in ignorance and wonder, and the reason for that is... the unknown shines through them at us in partially articulated form." Jordan B. Peterson "Making something beautiful is difficult, but it is amazingly worthwhile. If you learn to make something in your life truly beautiful - even one thing, then you have established a relationship with beauty. From there you can begin to expand that relationship out into other elements of your life and the world. That is an invitation to the divine." Jordan B. Peterson
"Buy a piece of art. Find one that speaks to you and make the purchase. If it’s a genuine artistic production, it will invade your life and change it. A real piece of art is a window into the transcendent, and you need that in your life, because you are finite and limited and bound by your ignorance. Unless you can make a connection to the transcendent, you will not have the strength to prevail when the challenges of life become daunting. You need to establish a link with what is beyond you, like a man overboard in high seas requires a life preserver, and the invitation of beauty in your life is one means by which that may be accomplished." Jordan B. Peterson "…we need to understand the role of art, and stop thinking about it as an option, or a luxury, or worse, an affectation. Art is the bedrock of culture itself. It is the foundation of the process by which we unite ourselves psychologically, and come to establish productive peace with others." Jordan B. Peterson Comments are closed.
This blog was created to share my belief that the art-making process is a catalyst for transformation and personal empowerment. I am living proof.