Commission Painting Install Alta View Hospital Sandy, UT Curated by Susan Bonosconi, Alpine Art & Frame My most challenging commission panting to date. How else are we to grow if we remain within the preconceived boundaries we have created for ourselves? We miss 100% of the shots we don’t take
Last year (pre-pandemic), I had the opportunity to paint a large-scale commission piece for the new Alta View Hospital in Sandy, Utah. Eager to contribute my particular hand to Utah’s artistic landscape, I agreed to take on the project even though I knew it would stretch and challenge my technical capabilities to the max. It certainly did that! The painting went back and forth between my studio and the client several times until a happy consensus was reached. I am so grateful for the creative team at Alpine Art & Frame who supported and assisted my journey. I am especially grateful for Susan Bonosconi who’s faith in me made this project possible in the first place. Taking this picture meant I had the opportunity to meet the front line health workers who have been tirelessly contributing their skills since the outbreak of the pandemic. "Thank you for your painting." One of them said. "We look at it everyday. We love it." My heart filled with gratitude. To have the knowledge that one of my paintings plays a small role in the wellbeing of this community feels like huge reward. Comments are closed.
This blog was created to share my belief that the art-making process is a catalyst for transformation and personal empowerment. I am living proof.