Selected Press As I reflect on my 15-year journey as a full-time professional artist, I find it amusing to gather all the remaining press related to my work. Admittedly, it's not an extensive collection. With my frequent moves and minimalist mentality, I derive greater pleasure from giving than hoarding. In all honesty, the reason I possess what I do is because my sweet mom has diligently saved it, not me. When people claim that "doing what you love means never having to work a day in your life," they are mistaken. I have devoted immense effort and toiled tirelessly, despite the fact that my life has been beautifully aligned with my purpose. My hope is that this reflection fuels your own journey. One of the primary reasons I persevered in pursuing my life as a full-time artist is my desire to become a success story. I yearned to prove that it was not only possible but also achievable by me. Comments are closed.
This blog was created to share my belief that the art-making process is a catalyst for transformation and personal empowerment. I am living proof.