home /hōm/ noun 1. A place where one lives; a residence. 2. The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or apartment. 3. A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household. 4. An environment offering security and happiness. 5. A valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin. 6. The place, such as a country or town, where one was born or has lived for a long period. 7. The native habitat, as of a plant or animal. 8. The place where something is discovered, founded, developed, or promoted; a source. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition TITLE: Every Step I Take Is My Home MEDIUM: Mixed media SIZE: 48" x 36" Comments are closed.
This blog was created to share my belief that the art-making process is a catalyst for transformation and personal empowerment. I am living proof.